Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How to Reduce Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are some kind of marks on the skin which are mainly caused due to the rapid stretching of the skin. These stretch marks can be seen commonly with individuals who have gained lots of weight quickly. Also, pregnant ladies are more likely to develop stretch marks.

How to Reduce Stretch Marks

How to Reduce Stretch Marks? And What Causes Stretch Marks?
As stated in the above information, stretch marks develop when the skin is stretched too much resulting in underlying collagen tissues to break apart. Collagen is a tissue responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the skin and provides essential support. So, when this tissue is tea red then we see small marks (streaks) of pink or brown color in the skin which are nothing but called as stretch marks.
The common causes of stretch marks include: skin elasticity generics, rapid weight gain, pregnancy and hormonal changes.

How to Reduce Stretch Marks Naturally
The more flexible our skin is, the fewer is the likelihood of developing stretch marks. There is various stretch marks removal cream available in the market, like you can try last in reviews.

How to Reduce Stretch Marks

Here are some tips to reduce and prevent How to Reduce Stretch Marks:
Keep Skin Hydrated by Drinking Water:
So, one of the most important tip to prevent stretch marks is to drink plenty of water to keep our body well-hydrated. Drinking water has lots of other benefits to our body other than keeping the skin hydrated.

Eat Balanced Diet and Avoid Junk Foods: It is an old advice but very useful in preventing stretch marks. Because, if we eat more and junk foods that will ultimately result in rapid weight gain which is not good for the skin and can result in getting stretch marks.

Be Fit and Active by Exercising: Along with the balanced diet and water, doing regular exercising is very helpful in maintain skin elasticity. Also, keep the skin well moisturized especially the areas like legs, hips, and belly.

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